Drug Basics & Safety

Bactrim: How to Safely and Effectively Use This Antibiotic for Optimal Health Outcomes


Are you suffering from a bacterial infection? Has your doctor prescribed Bactrim for that? Now, are you looking for some of the information related to this medication?

If the answers to all these questions are YES, you are at the right place.

Here, in this article, I will provide you with all the necessary information about the Bactrim antibiotic that you should know if you are taking this medicine.

So, keep reading this blog till the end to learn more…

Bactrim: Overview And How It Works!

Before talking about how to use Bactrim, it is important that you learn a little about the medicine.

So, what is Bactrim? And when should one use it?

According to the FDA, “BACTRIM (sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim) is a synthetic antibacterial combination product available in DS (double strength) tablets.” This medicine contains “800 mg sulfamethoxazole and 160 mg trimethoprim” when taken in the DS form.

You might be wondering, “how does Bactrim work?”

Considering the fact that Bactrim is an antibiotic, this medicine works by blocking the processes in which bacteria works and grows. The functioning of the medicine depends entirely on how the active ingredients, sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, work in the body.

According to studies, sulfamethoxazole stops and disrupts the synthesis of the dihydrofolic acid by the bacteria by competing with PABA or para-aminobenzoic acid. On the other hand, trimethoprim blocks the production of the tetrahydrofolic acid, by inhibiting the enzyme required for the synthesis of the dihydrofolic acid.

Thus, “sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim blocks two consecutive steps in the biosynthesis of nucleic acids and proteins essential to many bacteria.

Then, there might be other medicines that have these two active ingredients separately, right? Yes, that is correct. However, there is a reason why doctors prescribe this medicine.

It is because, studies have found that the effects of a combination of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim helps in resisting the growth and development of the criteria causing the infection in the body.

How To Use Bactrim Oral?

Use Bactrim Oral

The prescription you will get from your doctor will also mention how you need to take it. You need to follow that, or you also can go through the medication guide that comes with Bactrim.

Antibiotics often cause diarrhea, which is why it is always advised to drink plenty of fluids. In case you have bloody or watery diarrhea, you should consult with your doctor.

Though your symptoms are rapidly improving, it is still crucial to complete the dosage, and before stopping the medication, ask your doctor about it. In case you skip or stop the medication mid-way, the bacteria, and your body might develop a resistance to the medicine.

You need to store Bactrim in a dark, cool place that is far away from moisture, light, and heat. However, you should not refrigerate it. It is always best to take Bactrim as prescribed by your doctor.

For any other complaints, do not take Bactrim until and unless your doctor asks you to take this medication. Although an individual is suffering from the same health issues as yours, do not give them Bactrim without consulting with your doctor.

Now, if you think about what should be the dosage of Bactrim, the following are the factors that are considered.

  • In case you have impaired renal function.
  • The exact conditions you are treating.
  • In case it is for prophylaxis or prevention.


Now, here is the dosage information for Bactrim.


  • 160mg/800mg.
  • 80mg/400mg.

Oral suspension

  • (40mg/200mg)/5ml.

When To Expect Results?

After a few days of treatment, most individuals start to feel relief. It is for more common issues such as ear infections and urinary tract infections. But in case, you might take 2 to 3 weeks to look for improvement for more complicated and severe conditions, such as pneumonia.

Side Effects Of Bactrim

Now, we will talk about the Bactrim side effects.

Common Side Effects

Here are the common side effects of Bactrim for UTI.

  • Diarrhea.
  • Headaches.
  • Mild rash or itching.
  • Being or feeling sick.

In case all these side effects of Bactrim are bothering you, it is best to consult with your doctor.

Serious Side Effects

In case you are experiencing all these serious side effects, you should consult with your doctor immediately.

  • Severe diarrhea, which lasts more than 4 days.
  • Diarrhea, which contains mucus or blood.
  • In case you are having any of the following, which can be the signs of a problem in your blood:
    • A sore throat.
    • Fever.
    • Mouth ulcers.
    • Bruising or bleeding that you can not explain.
    • Feeling generally unwell or tired.

Effects Of Long Term Use

Taking any antibiotics for the long term might have some risks. But, in case you have a weak immune system, and you can not fight off specific bacteria, you will need to take Bactrim for long periods.

In this case, as the bacteria can cause life-threatening infections, the actual benefits of using Bactrim outweigh the risks.

Bactrim Overdose

Here are the symptoms of Bactrim overdose that you should keep in mind:

  • Confusion.
  • Yellowing of your skin or eyes or jaundice.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Fever.
  • Vomiting can sometimes be bloody.
  • Loss of appetite.

In case you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should call the emergency number and ask for necessary medical treatment.

Interaction With Other Drugs

Bactrim antibiotic does interact with other medications

Bactrim does interact with other medications, so, in case you are under these medications, you need to ensure that you are avoiding the interacting medicines or at least informing your doctor about the same.

Moderate Interactions

These medications might cause issues in case they are taken together:

  • Trimethoprim/pioglitazone.
  • Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole/leucovorin.
  • Trimethoprim/metformin.
  • Sulfonamides/paba.

Serious Interactions

All these medications might interact with Bactrim and result in really harmful side effects:

  • Sulfonamides.
  • Some particular antibiotics/live cholera vaccines.
  • Some specific photosensitizers/porfimer.
  • Agents which affect radioactive iodide/iodide.
  • Trimethoprim/ACE inhibitors.
  • Trimethoprim/potassium supplements.
  • Trimethoprim/aldosterone receptor antagonists.
  • Trimethoprim/digoxin.
  • Some particular photosensitizers/aminolevulinic acids.

Severe Interactions

In usual cases, healthcare professionals or doctors do not prescribe these medications together:

  • Trimethoprim/dofetilide.
  • Sulfonamides/methenamine.
  • Selected photosensitizers/tretinoin-mequinol.
  • Antimicrobials/live typhoid vaccine.

Bactrim Uses: What Does Bactrim Treat?

In case you were searching for the uses and the reasons why one must have Usually, for bacterial infections, doctors prescribe Bactrim. And those infections include the following:

  • Shigellosis.
  • In children, middle ear infections.
  • Urinary tract infections or UTIs.
  • In adults, chronic bronchitis flare-ups.
  • Bacterial infection protection for individuals receiving chemotherapy.
  • Pneumonia prevention for all those individuals with weakened immunity systems.

Always remember that Bactrim does not treat any type of viral infections or infections caused by viruses, like flu and the common cold. Also, against streptococcal bacterial infections, this antibiotic is not at all effective.

Bactrim over the counter is not available; it is only available with a doctor’s prescription. That means you need to ask your doctor to prescribe it.

Precautions: Tips To Take Bactrim!

Here are some tips you should know while taking Bactrim:

  • You can take this medication before or after meals. Some individuals suffer from side effects, like vomiting and nausea, while taking this medicine. In case you have these side effects, you should take Bactrim with meals in order to reduce those side effects.
  • Even though you are feeling better, it is mandatory to finish all the antibiotics in your prescription. If you stop Bactrim too soon, your condition might come back.
  • In case you are suffering from diarrhea after taking Bactrim, it is best to take probiotic supplements in order to alleviate this particular side effect. For a few more days, after you have finished your last dose of Bactrim, you should continue taking the supplement.
  • It is advised to take Bactrim with 8oz of water, and it is also advised to drink plenty of fluid while you are under this medication. Bactrim passes through your kidneys, which means insufficient water can result in kidney stones. You should not drink too many beverages which dehydrate you, like alcoholic drinks and coffee.
  • Bactrim makes your skin too sensitive to the sun. That means you might burn quickly. Even when it is cloudy and cool outside, this is true. So, you should avoid sunlight and wear a wide-brimmed hat along with using sunscreen with an SPF 30 at least when you are taking Bactrim.
  • Bactrim can interact with some particular medications. So, it is best to tell your doctor or pharmacists about each and every medicine that you take, including any over-the-counter drugs, herbal medicines, and vitamins.
  • Bactrim also can cause some types of allergic reactions. This particular type of antibiotic belongs to a class of medication that might result in allergic reactions. This falls under the class of medication named sulfa drugs. You should ask for immediate medical care in case you are experiencing any signs or symptoms of an allergic reaction when taking Bactrim, like swelling of the face, hives, or rash.

Wrapping It Up!

Bactrim is an antibiotic which is a synthetic antibacterial product made by combining sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. Doctors prescribe it to deal with bacterial infections.

In case you were searching for information related to bactrim and the best ways to take it, I hope that you have found this article to be of help. Now, you know the precautions you should take and also when you should consult with the doctor in case you are experiencing any side effects.If you have any further queries or questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. All you need to do is scroll down till you reach the bottom of the page and leave your thoughts and questions in the comment box. And I will be there to answer them all for you!

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Ankita Tripathy
Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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