Food & Recipes

Recipes For Basil Seed Drink That You Must Try In 2024!

Recipes For Basil Seed Drink

No matter if you are health-conscious or not, having a balanced diet ensures that all your nutritional needs are met. Basil seed drink is one such addition in your routine that can ensure a part of it is met. 

The ayurvedic history has been full of things that bring goodness in our lives. It is important for the body to obtain all the essential nutrients so that the body is functioning well. The aromatic herb has been a part of Asian kitchens since decades. The benefits of this seed make it a super food as it comes with several essential minerals that the body requires. 

Around the world, this seed is also seen in Italian, Mediterranean, Thai and Vietnamese cuisines. Basil seed drink is a refreshing way people enjoy the benefits of this seed. This easy to make drink can be mixed with every syrup or fruit pulp you can think of and enjoyed on a sunny day or a fall morning. From supporting the digestive system to the circulatory system, it has many benefits. 

The no-restriction consumption of these seeds ensure that the super herb is able to support the health needs. If you are someone who is trying to remove caffeine from your diet but find it difficult for various reasons- read on! 

What Are Basil Seeds? 

What Are Basil Seeds
Usually sweet basil seeds are used in basil seed drink

A general term used to refer to a few species of the basil plant- these are small seeds that pack a lot of nutrients. The flavor of the seeds are described as nutty and the texture varies depending on its form. A basil seed drink can be the best way to start your consumption if you haven’t yet.

The seeds can be added directly to your choice of food or soaked in water, or milk to get a gel-like texture. The sweet basil seeds are usually added in food items. They are smaller in size and differ from the variant that is used in tea. 

Tukmaria seeds is another name for them and they have a long history in Chinese as well as Ayurvedic medicine. The health effects of these seeds are beneficial and studies have been able to conclude its effectiveness. 

Unlike most herb seeds, these do not just help in growing basil plants. Humankind has put these seeds to several other uses. From the food industry to the culinary world, its use has shifted from being a staple in medicines to other lifestyle avenues. 

Resembling sesame seeds, they are only different in color and the way they react to contact with water. Also known as sabja seeds, these obtain great credit in Ayurveda. 

The following section describes the health benefits these seeds offer and the fastest way to add these in your diet. 

7 Best Basil Seeds Benefits

The benefits of the basil seeds are numerous and they play an important role in providing most essential nutrients to the human body. Let’s have a look at the benefits listed below: 

  1. Packed With Fiber

The fiber content of the seeds is found to be around 7 grams which makes up 25% of the recommended dietary intake for adults. A survey found that only 5% of Americans obtain enough fiber in their diet. 

  1. Loaded With Minerals

The seeds are a rich source of calcium and magnesium that improve bone health and muscle function. In addition, the iron in the seed is also essential for red blood cell production. 

  1. Thickener And Stabilizer
Thickener And Stabilizer
Food industry, hotels swap thickening agents with basil seeds

The ability of the seeds to turn into a gel-like consistency is because of the pectin-rich gum. Due to the absence of a flavor in this gum, it finds its place as thickeners and stabilizer. 

  1. Supports Gut Health

Prebiotic benefits that are now being proven ensure that the gut bacteria get nourishment. This is helpful in increasing gut health. A study concludes that the seeds support anti-inflammatory bacteria. 

  1. Prevents Binge Eating

The pectin in this seed helps in delaying stomach emptying, increasing the hormone levels promoting that make us feel full. Current research focuses on the effectiveness of the seeds in improving weight loss.

  1. Helps Control Blood Sugar

A study conducted to assess the blood sugar-controlling properties of the seeds found that it is 17% successful in doing that. People with type II diabetes can reduce their post-meal blood sugar by 17%. This is by consuming basil seeds after each meal for a month. 

  1. Great Source Of Antioxidant 
Great Source Of Antioxidant 
Flavonoids in basil seeds has antioxidant properties.

The rich storage of plant compounds such as polyphenols and flavonoids also serve as antioxidants. That can get rid of the free radicals that can cause a lot of damage. The plant compounds in basil seeds also play anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer roles. 

If you want to add these seeds to your meals but cannot figure out where to start- try making a basil seed drink. Personally, I prefer consuming it as a drink because I was not sure if it would add a flavor to my food. I love making the following drinks and everyone who has tried it- has the same opinion. 

Top 3 Basil Seed Drink Recipes For Your Next Party!

Adding these seeds to most of your drinks does not take away any factor that made you like it. Instead of buying the variants available at the store, it is best to prepare one on your own. 

1. Calamansi Drink With Basil Seeds

Clean and rinse the seeds to remove any debris, and soak them in lukewarm water. Within a few minutes the seeds are ready for your drink. Take a bowl, add the desired amount of water, for example, if you are making the drink for a small number of people, then add one glass per person. Then add the required amount of Calamansi juice, a little bit of lemon juice and rock sugar. Stir well till the sugar dissolves and serve as it is, or chilled with ice cubes. 

2. Plain Basil Seed Drink With Lemon

This is the simplest alternative that can help you get your daily dose of minerals. Soak a tablespoon of basil seeds in hot water and let it rest. As the drink cools, you will see that the seeds are swelling up. Once the seeds are ready, you can transfer it into a glass and squeeze a little bit of lemon juice for the flavor. 

3. Watermelon-Mint Cooler With Basil Seeds

You can make a quick, refreshing drink with this recipe that is sure to keep you wanting more. Fill half a glass with fresh watermelon juice (you can swap it with any other juice of your choice). Take a spoonful of your soaked basil seeds and add it to the glass. Crush a few mint leaves and stir into the mixture for a refreshing taste. 

4. The Tropicana Basil Drink 

Using this fruity basil punch, you can feel like you are in the tropics at your party. Gather these ingredients: 

  • 2 tablespoons basil seeds. 
  • 1 cup water (IA). 
  • 2 cups pineapple juice. 
  • 1 cup mango juice. 
  • 1 cup orange juice. 
  • A side dish of seasonal fresh fruits (pineapple, mango, and sliced oranges) for garnishing. 

How to Make 

  • Soak the basil seeds.  
  • In a bowl, preferably a large one, stir together pineapple, mango, and orange juice.  
  • Lastly, add the bloated basil seeds and stir well to integrate them into the blend.  
  • Chill in the refrigerator.  
  • Mix the punch and serve it in glasses decorated with sliced pineapple, mango, and orange segments.  

The vibrant colors and the flavors seasoned with health benefits are another reason to buy these greens. 

5. Berry Basil Seed Smoothie 

A berry basil seed smoothie like the one listed below can be made to have the healthy filling option. Perfect for your early morning smoothies. You’ll need: 

  • 1 tablespoon basil seeds 
  • Wash 1/2 cup water (for soaking) 
  • 1 cup of fresh or frozen berries, e.g., strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries. 
  • One banana 
  • 1 cup almond milk 
  • If you want a natural sweetener, choose honey or maple syrup (depending on personal preference). 

 How to Make 

  • Put the basil seeds into half a cup of water and leave it on a flat surface where direct sunlight cannot reach it.  
  • Blend mixed berries, banana pieces, and almond milk in a blender. Blend until smooth.  
  • Complement this mix with some basil seeds that have been hydrated, incorporate a sweetener of your own choice, and blend for a few more seconds.  
  • Pour into humans and serve now.  

This smoothie is a sweet and tart balance in the first place, and basil seeds add a quite unexpected crunch. 

6. Cucumber, Basil, And Seed Crisps – A Refreshing Drink. 

 When you feel hot and want to refresh yourself, the light cucumber basil delight with seeds is perfect. Here’s what you need: 

  •  2 tablespoons basil seeds 
  •  1 cup micro water (for soaking) 
  •  2 cucumbers 
  •  Two tablespoons lime juice 
  •  2 tablespoons honey 
  •  4 cups water 

How to Make 

  • Take the peel off the cucumbers and blend with 4 cups of water, lime juice, and honey until smooth and thick puree. In the end, filter the mixture.  
  • Wash the basil seeds thoroughly and mix them with the cucumber mixture.  
  • Serve a whole load of this refreshing drink with ice, garnished with thin cucumber slices.  

With its completely hydrating and few calorie traits, not only is it a delicious option, but it is also a screensaver for the eyes. 

7. Ginger mint basil Seed Juice 

This zingy delight should be on your summer list. For this basil seed recipe, you will need. 

  • 1 tablespoon basil seeds 
  • 1/2 cup water (This is for soaking.) 
  • 4 cups water 
  • The egg mixture is folded into the foamed dish at a ratio of 1:4. 
  • 2 tablespoons grated ginger 
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice 
  • Honey (to taste) 

How to Make 

In a pitcher, smash up the mint leaves and grate the ginger to release the flavors into the mix.  

  • Fill the glass with water, add lemon juice, and add honey.  
  • Stir until the honey dissolves properly.  
  • Add very swollen basil seeds to this mix and incorporate everything soundly.  
  • Chill before serving.  
  • The drink has ginger and mint zing and basil seeds that add the texture that pops into your mouth. 

These basil seed drink recipes are a good option for any occasion as one can provide drinks with an addition of antioxidants for the guests.  

The recipes are simple but interesting, and they are very easy to follow, which makes those involved look great.  

Indeed, the next time you plan a party, let these creative and fresh-ness-generating basil seeds beverages into your catering menu.


The basil seeds can be a great addition to your food intake. The mild flavor and the gelatinous quality ensure you have a good fiber intake. The health benefits of these seeds are similar to that of chia seeds. Health-conscious communities have accepted this herb and they enjoy the various benefits. 

Let us know if you enjoy these seeds in any other way!

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Harsha Sharma
Harsha is a senior content writer with numerous hobbies who takes great pride in spreading kindness. Earning a Postgraduate degree in Microbiology, she invests her time reading and informing people about various topics, particularly health and lifestyle. She believes in continuous learning, with life as her inspiration, and opines that experiences enrich our lives.

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