Are you dealing with high blood pressure? Are you having high blood pressure for many months? It is important to know that prolonged blood pressure can be harmful to your health and heart. High blood pressure is not good for your heart and health. Not checking blood pressure can increase the risk of heart disease.
When you monitor your blood pressure from your healthcare provider, you can control your blood pressure. Your healthcare physician recommends certain lifestyle changes to keep your blood pressure in check. Having a little blood pressure increase is not something to worry about. If the blood pressure is increased for prolonged periods, you should go to see a doctor immediately.
Your medical provider will assess your blood pressure to know the systolic and diastolic numbers. The changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure are both bad for your health and heart. Prolonged blood pressure can put pressure on your heart.
If you go through prolonged blood pressure, your healthcare physician will give you medicines. Having high blood pressure can give rise to sexual disorders. Vidalista 60 proves to be highly effective in reducing the risk of impotence. Cenforce 200 mg generic pills are also very effective for ED treatment in men.
Peek Into High Blood Pressure And Its Relationship with Heart Risk
High blood pressure is also known as hypertension which is a common health issue. Hypertension or blood pressure affects a large number of people worldwide. Men and women both are affected with high blood pressure.
As compared to women, men are at a high risk of developing high blood pressure. Blood pressure seems like a minor issue if it has increased a little. Uncontrolled blood pressure for a long time is a major health issue that needs to be controlled.
Untreated high blood pressure has severe effects on your blood vessels and heart. As per many health experts, uncontrolled blood pressure can damage the vital organs of your body. One of the silent killer diseases is heart disease.
Many a time, it has been observed that the symptoms of blood pressure do not come to the surface. Blood vessels in the body are tiny and delicate tubes that carry blood to the cells and organs of your body.
The blood vessels turn out to be stiff when blood pressure increases. In such a situation, blood vessels cannot carry sufficient blood. As a result, blood vessels get constricted and blood pressure gets increased.
When blood vessels cannot carry sufficient blood to the body, it increases the risk of blockages. Men experience heart attacks when blockages erupt in the heart. Heart disease leads to erection issues in men. Fildena 100 helps men get rid of erection problems in men.
Importance Of Treating Blood Pressure
As time passes by, the relentless pressure may harm the delicate lining of your blood vessels. As a result, it makes them less elastic and more susceptible to damage. Most men with high blood pressure do not experience common symptoms of high blood pressure.
When they experience symptoms, it is too late to treat the disease. Vascular disease is the damage that happens to your blood vessels when blood pressure is not checked.
When you leave blood pressure untreated, you risk your heart and the entire circulatory system. The prolonged stress on the blood vessels leads to the formation of plaques which are made up of fats, cholesterol, and other substances.
These plaques further narrow and clog your arteries. As a result, blood does not flow in the heart properly. This results in a heart attack which can be life-threatening. Treating blood pressure is essential which can increase the risk of vascular disease.
How Prolonged Blood Pressure Threatens Your Health?
* If you do not treat high blood pressure, it can damage your arteries which can become clogged. It can also prevent blood flow to the heart and muscles, leading to heart attacks.
* Untreated high blood pressure can cause blood vessels that supply oxygen and blood to the brain. As a result, blood vessels in the heart can clog or burst which can lead to stroke.
* When there is an increased workload in the heart due to blood pressure, it makes your heart enlarge and blood supply fails to reach your heart which leads to heart failure.
* Untreated high blood pressure damages the arteries around the kidneys. As a result, it interferes with the ability to filter blood properly in an effective manner.
* Unchecked high blood pressure leads to erection issues in men. Many men suffer from erectile dysfunction whose prime cause is high blood pressure.
* Many men and women experience vision loss which issue to strain in high blood pressure in the eyes.
* with time, high blood pressure leads to heart ailments which include microvascular disease.
* Atherosclerosis is caused due to high blood pressure which can narrow arteries in the arms, legs, head, and stomach. Atherosclerosis can lead to fatigue.
Complications to the Heart Due To High Blood Pressure
Prolonged high blood pressure damages the body slowly before the symptoms appear. Uncontrolled blood pressure leads to a poor quality of life and disability. This can also lead to deadly stroke or heart attack. Lifestyle changes and treatments can keep high blood pressure away.
Healthy arteries are strong, flexible, and elastic. The inner lining of arteries is smooth to make blood flow freely. Healthy arteries supply imperative organs and tissues with oxygen and nutrients. High blood pressure increases the pressure of blood through the arteries.
Hypertension causes narrowed and damaged arteries. High blood pressure can damage the cells of the lining of arteries. When fats enter your bloodstream, they gather in the damaged arteries. The walls of the arteries tend to be less elastic. As a result, blood flow is limited throughout the body.
Owing to the constant pressure of blood in the weak arteries, you may experience Aneurysm. It is important to know that Aneurysm may rupture and cause internal bleeding which can be life-threatening. Aneurysm is formed in the arteries mainly in the aorta.
Bottom Line
When you suffer from high blood pressure for a long time, it can lead to serious heart disease. Prolonged blood pressure needs to be treated at the earliest to enjoy good heart health.
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