Botox before and after – what happens? What changes? What are the Botox results?
Botox is a drug that is injected directly into your face. It causes your facial tissues to freeze (not completely like ice), preventing the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. Many celebrities, primarily women, do this to look younger.
Let’s dive deeper into what you should and should not do before and after a Botox injection. In addition, there are myths surrounding it as well, they should be busted!
How To Prepare For Your Botox Injection?
You need to keep certain things in mind before and after Botox. To get the best out of your shot of Botox before and after, here’s what you need to do:
1. Avoid Smoking And Drinking
Do not smoke or drink for a week before your Botox injection. It’s essential to do so since smoking and drinking will slow down the healing process of your skin. Do so to ensure that you look 10 years younger Botox brow lift before and after.
2. Workout Well
Working out Botox before and after is essential to keep the blood flow to your facial tissues healthy and strong. In addition, this will help during the injection since having a healthier amount of blood on your facial muscles will make it easier for the Botox to settle in.
3. Forget Makeup And Skincare
Before taking a Botox injection, keep your face clear of makeup and skincare products. Since the compounds present in these products slowly seep inside your facial tissues, they can mix in with Botox before and after to create various side effects.
4. Don’t Take Blood Thinners
If you have medical problems related to blood pressure, your doctor might suggest you take blood thinner pills. However, taking one for a few days before you take your Botox shot is not advised. Therefore, it’s best to consult your doctors about taking your medication before taking the Botox injection.
Botox Before And After – What Really Goes On?
There are various myths surrounding Botox before and after as to what goes on. Here’s the truth:
1. Botox Is Temporary
One of the greatest myths about using Botox is that you will look younger permanently. While this myth is glorified by the media, it’s quite the opposite in reality.
In fact, the effects of your Botox injection will stay for a maximum of four months. During these four months, your face will not wrinkle and have any aging, fine lines. However, after these four months, you must take another injection to keep it this way.
2. It Doesn’t Erase Wrinkles
Contrary to what you might have heard, Botox does not permanently remove wrinkles. Whatever wrinkles that you have, their effects will only become less noticeable. Plus, no new wrinkling will appear on your face for the next few months.
3. The Effects Are Not Instant
It’s a misconception that you will instantly get younger Botox before and after eyes. It takes some time for the effects to kick in. You will be able to see the impact on your skin after a few days, maximum by a week.
What Should You Be Doing After Botox Injections?
You should follow some things while Botox before and after to prevent any side effects from popping up.
Everyone has a different recovery rate. If you take Botox, chances are you might feel soreness in the area where you took the Botox injection. Or you might not. It depends from person to person.
If you don’t feel sore, there’s nothing to worry about. However, if you do feel pain, here’s a list of what you should do after taking Botox:
1. Apply Ice
If you feel much pain in the area injected with Botox, apply ice packs over it. You should definitely do this for the first two days. While this won’t make the pain instantly disappear, it will be gone by the third day.
2. Lay Low
Since your face easily gets flushed and stretched when you exercise, you shouldn’t do so for the first few days after your Botox injection. Exercising is not recommended because it may stretch the facial muscles, which might cause Botox to spill over to regions it should not reach.
3. Sleep Upright
To help Botox settle in, you must sleep upright. This causes the blood in your face to flow better, allowing the Botox to spread evenly instead of concentrating on one place.
4. No Makeup Or Skincare
For best results, avoid putting on any makeup or skincare products. While they are typically harmless, some ingredients in these products can seep in and mix with the Botox compound. This might cause a lot of side effects.
You should never, under any circumstances, do some things after taking a Botox injection. The things that you should avoid like the plague are:
1. Lie Flat On Your Back
Lying flat on your back might cause the Botox compound in the injected area to stay concentrated in one place. This might cause your skin and facial muscles to “freeze” up. Therefore, this can lead to inflammation in the area and uneven distribution of Botox in your face.
2. Touching The Injected Area
Touching the injected area where you applied Botox before and after could be better. This can disturb the flow of Botox in your facial tissues, which can cause complications later on. Also, don’t scratch the surface of the infected area.
3. Exercising
Exercising causes your face to flush. This means that your face will get red after exercising due to increased blood and oxygen flow. While this might have been good under normal circumstances, it’s bad if you did forehead Botox before and after.
Botox before and after – there are many things that you should be doing and many things that you should not. For example, you should exercise well before the Botox injection and not do so after it. Also, after taking the Botox injection, don’t forget to add some ice packs over the injected area to prevent swelling.
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