Fitness & Exercise

Rear Delta Workouts – Posterior Deltoid Muscle Exercises For Beginners

Resistance Band Pull-Aparts

Sometimes, in our quest for well-defined shoulders, we pay so much attention to the front and sides of our shoulders, called anterior deltoids. Neglecting those muscles at the back of your shoulder is known as the rear delta. Training these muscles through rear delta workouts adds balance to your physique and prevents injury.

So, if you’re a newbie who wants to build up the rear delta, never fear: we have simple workouts that can easily be slipped into your routine.

 Why Rear Delta Workouts Matter 

Turning now to the workouts, why is rear delta important? These muscles help your general shoulder power, keeping you upright and stabilizing the shoulders. It can leave you with muscle imbalances that cause discomfort and reduce your range of motion.

 1. Resistance Band Pull-Aparts 

Resistance Band Pull-Aparts

Take a resistance band (those colorful pieces of elastic that may be familiar to you from the gym or online). Grasp it, hold it in front of you with your arms straight, and pull apart the band. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you do so. It’s like giving someone a big bear hug without doing the deed. Shoot for three sets of fifteen repetitions.

Tip: Begin with a less resistant band and gradually move to the stronger ones as you get stronger.

 2. Bent Over Reverse Fly 

Bent Over Reverse Fly

This one requires a bit of bending forward. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand, and slightly bend your knees. Lean forward and hinge at your hips. With arms straight and hanging down, raise your hands to the sides until they’re parallel. Slowly lower them back down. Go for three sets of 12 reps.

Tip: Keep a small bend in the elbows throughout to protect your joints.

 3. Face Pulls with a Resistance Band 

Face Pulls with a Resistance Band 

Tie your resistance band to chest height. Hold each end with your hands, step back to create tension, and pull the band toward you to perform this exercise. It’s like you were pulling a rope toward yourself smoothly and naturally. Shoot for three sets of 15 repetitions.

Tip: Hold the band lightly for this real delta workout, focusing on engaging your rear delta.

 4. Rear Delta Workouts –  Dumbbell Raises 

Rear Delta Workouts -  Dumbbell Raises 

Sit on the edge of a bench or chair, holding dumbbells in both hands. Hold your arms at your sides, then raise them straight out to the side to shoulder height. Lower them back down slowly. Shoot for three sets of twelve reps.

Tip: Pick a weight that challenges you but still lets you keep good form.

 5. Rear Delta Workouts – Prone Y-Raises 

Rear Delta Workouts - Prone Y-Raises

If you have one, place yourself face down on an incline bench (or a stability ball). Grasp a dumbbell in each hand, arms down at sides. Lift your arms out in a Y-shape until they’re level with the body. Slowly lower them back down. Go for three sets of 12 times.

Tip: During this exercise, keep your neck neutral; otherwise, you’ll strain it.

 6. Rear Delta Workouts Through Rows 

Rear Delta Workouts Through Rows 

It should be on a cable machine or resistance band at chest height. With both hands, hold the handles. Arms extended. Squeeze your shoulder blades together by pulling the handles closer to your chest. Shoot for three sets of 15 repetitions.

Tip: Strive for a smoothly flowing motion throughout, without fast or jerky movements.

Incorporating Rear Delta Workouts into Your Routine

With a few basic yet effective rear delta workouts under your belt, it’s time to incorporate them into your normal routine. Here’s a sample beginner-friendly plan:

Day 1: 

Resistance Band Pull-Aparts (3 sets x 15 reps)

Bent Over Reverse Fly (3 sets x 12 reps)

 Day 2: 

Take rest or light cardio activities.

 Day 3: 

Resistance Band Pulls (3 sets x 15 reps)

Rear Delt Dumbbell Raises (3 sets x 12 reps)

 Day 4: 

Rest or light cardio exercise.

 Day 5: 

Prone Y-Raises (3 sets x 12 reps)

Rear Delt Rows (3 sets x 15 reps)

 Day 6-7: 

Rest or do some light cardio work.

Simple Rear Delta Workout (…For People Who Hate Working Out)

Does the thought of working out make you cringe?  

But if you still want to develop the rear deltoids for better posture and shoulder health, be at ease!   

If you are looking to introduce routine low-intensity exercises into your life that do not make your daily routine feel like a dreadful chore, then there are some that may suit your needs.   

This is a guideline for simple rear deltoid exercises that even the unenthusiastic gym enthusiasts can buy into.  

1. Bent-over dumbbell reverse fly

Instead of picking lightweight dumbbells, you can use other weights.   

  • This can be from water bottles or even real weights, in case you have them with you at home.  
  • Place feet apart, shoulder-width, and bend knees slightly.  
  • Lean forward from your waist, without arching your back, until it’s almost stretching at the same level as the floor.  
  • Grasp hold of the dumbbells with your palms facing each other.  
  • Going down a little bit in your elbows, raise your arms to the lateral sides and keep them in parallel with the floor.  
  • Back them up now slowly. Try to be able to do three sets of 10 – 12 reps.  

Doing this exercise engages the muscles in the rear delt area without complications.  

2. Door frames – Face Pulls

It is all you need: a door frame to train you for this exercise.  

  • Being in a doorway and holding both frames in front of your shoulders at your level, palms facing out.  
  • Keep a nice upright pose but keep your feet in the same way.  
  • Use this other door frame, narrow your shoulder blades together, and pull yourself to that door frame using your shoulder blades.  
  • Slowly raise your body back to the floor. Do three sets of 8 to 10 reps.  

These types of exercises mobilize your glutes and traps. Plus, you only need a regular door panel is needed.  

3. Resistance Band Pull-Apart

You can use a resistance band quite effectively for rear delt exercises, as it is a very versatile instrument of training.  

  • With the resistance band in your front at chest level, hands shoulder-width apart.  
  • While stretching apart the band with your hands, maintain the straightness of your arms and pull them apart.  
  • Move back into the starting position with control. Give it a go with the three sets of 15 reps.  

Such practice gives either gym haters or fearful people (fear of crowds, for instance) a chance to exercise anywhere. Additionally, it is perfect for those who are looking for comfortable exercise that can be done either at home or in the park.  

4. Seated External Rotation 

You may practice this routine while at your office desk or on your couch.  

  • Using a lightweight dumbbell or any object of equal weight, hold the object in one hand.  
  • Sit up straight and place your elbow at a 90-degree angle with your arm close to your body.  
  • When your forearm is outwards, then go slowly back in. Thoroughly work out each arm by doing three scenes of 12 reps. 

Closing Thoughts For Your Rear Delta Workouts

In terms of any exercise routine, consistency is crucial. Begin with lighter weights, and as your strength grows, graduate to heavier ones. Follow your body; if you have pain (not to be confused with the normal discomfiture of a rigorous workout), see a fitness expert or healthcare provider.

Not only will developing those rear delta help create symmetry with your physique, but they can also benefit the health of your shoulders as a whole. OK, so let’s get to work! Pick up those resistance bands and dumbbells: we will build more powerful, sculpted shoulders together.

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