“What is the best oil for hair fall?”
Have you been going around searching for this answer? If yes, then your search ends right here.
Hair fall is one of the worst things that we experience as a result of pollution, stress, and a healthy lifestyle. And considering the fact that a good hair day is one of the major things that can boost our conscience, it becomes important that you get to learn about the ways in which you can deal with this.
Keep reading this article til; the end to learn more about the best oil for hair fall and thinning…
Best Oil For Hair Fall During Winter: Top 10!
It is a fact which is medically proven that oiling your hair makes it healthy. It reduces dandruff and keeps the hair from breaking due to drying.
Oiling and massaging your hair and scalp also ensures that you are able to stimulate the hair follicles and the cells of the cuticles that promote hair growth. So, in case you were searching for the best oil for hair fall, you have come to the right place.
Here is the best oil for hair fall that can save your life:
1. Castor Oil
One of the best oils that you can use to ensure that you stop hair fall is actor oil. This oil is rich in nutrients and has a lot of antimicrobial properties. If you are looking for a fast hair growth oil, then this is the one. This boosts hair growth and stops hair from falling by providing it with the hydration that it needs.
Benefits Of Castor Oil:
- It moisturizes the hair strands.
- The fatty acids in the oil promote hair health.
- Boosts hair growth.
- Stop hair thinning.
2. Jojoba Oil
This oil is mainly known to be a carrier oil that you can use with other essential oils. However, what a lot of people are unaware of is the fact that this hair oil is also a great source of nutrients. It helps in increasing the rate of hair growth.
Benefits Of Jojoba Oil:
- It helps to deal with the frizziness of the hair.
- It controls hair fall.
- It helps to unclog the hair follicles.
- It adds shine to the hair strands.
3. Grapeseed Oil
As the name of this oil suggests, the oil is extracted from the grape seeds. Rich in antioxidants and several essential nutrients, this hair oil is very vital for the growth of your hair. In addition, the oil is extremely light and, thus, does not make your hair look greasy at all.
Benefits Of Grapeseed Oil:
- It soothes the itchy scalp.
- It helps to smoothen the split ends.
- It adds shine and luster to the hair.
- It strengthens hair stands.
4. Coconut Oil
Easily available almost everywhere, coconut oil is one of the best hair oil for hair fall for men as well as women. It helps in hair fall prevention and control. This oil is rich in nutrients and fatty acids that make the hair stronger and shinier. You can either use this oil with other essential oil or use it as it is.
Benefits Of Coconut Oil:
- It reduces breakage.
- It moisturizes hair.
- It prevents the loss of protein from the hair more than any other hair oil.
- Helps to repair the damaged scalp and hair follicles.
5. Olive Oil
Another powerful moisturizer that helps to lock the moisture of the hair stands in Olive oil. This oil can also be used in the form of carrier oil or used as it is. The oil is packed with essential nutrients like Vitamin E, which boosts hair growth. Repeated use of this oil has also proved to make the hair smoother, softer, and shinier.
Benefits Of Olive Oil:
- It can help condition the hair.
- It helps to repair the damaged hair follicles.
- It helps to reduce dry and flaky scalp.
- Makes your hair smoother.
6. Almond Oil
If you are someone who is dealing with the problems of damaged and dry hair, then you must try to use Almond oil. It is considered to be one of the best repairing agents that is packed with nutrients like fatty acids, Vitamin E, and magnesium. In addition, it also contains tocopherol, which actively helps in promoting hair growth.
Benefits Of Almond Oil:
- It helps to reduce hair breakage.
- It helps to moisturize the dry hair follicles.
- It helps to promote hair growth.
- It prevents and manages hair thinning.
7. Rosemary Essential Oil
You must have heard the name of Golab Beauty Rosemary Oils that has become very popular recently. Rosemary oil cannot be used directly on your scalp as essential oils are very strong and can cause more harm than good if not applied properly. However, Rosemary essential oil is highly effective in ensuring that you are able to boost hair thickness and volume. This is because of the presence of minoxidil which actively improves hair growth.
Benefits Of Rosemary Essential Oil:
- It improves blood circulation of the scalp.
- It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.
- It promotes hair growth.
- It prevents hair fall due to fungal infections.
8. Tea Tree Oil
Another essential oil on the list is the Tea tree oil. It is an oil that is known for its antimicrobial properties. The oil also has minoxidil, just like rosemary oil, and helios to boost hair growth. This essential oil can be used with carrier oils like jojoba oil or coconut oil before applying it. If you are someone who is struggling to get rid of dandruff, you might want to use this oil. It is considered to be the best oil for hair fall as a result of dandruff.
Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil:
- It nourishes the hair.
- It helps to reduce fungal and bacterial infections on the scalp.
- It boosts the circulation of blood under the follicles of the hair.
- It increases hair growth.
9. Neem Oil
Next on the list is the very powerful and beneficial Neem oil. It is mostly known for its antimicrobial properties that help in fighting dandruff. If you are someone who is experiencing thinning of hair or if you have an itchy scalp in the winter, this oil is going to be of great help to you.
Benefits Of Neem Oil:
- It moisturizes the hair strands.
- It helps in treating lice and dandruff.
- It acts as a conditioner for dry hair.
- It promotes hair growth.
10. Argan Oil
Last but definitely not least is Argan oil. Also known as liquid gold, this oil is a great source of essential nutrients for the hair follicles. Rich in antioxidants and Vitamin E, this oil can do miracles for promoting the health of your hair. If you are someone who is facing hair fall profusely, then argan oil is the one that you should go for.
Benefits Of Argan Oil:
- It helps to make the hair softer.
- It makes the hair smoother and shinier.
- It helps to promote and manage hair growth.
- It prevents the hair strands from breaking.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Now that you have almost reached the end of this article o hope that most of your queries have already been answered. Here are some of the questions that readers frequently ask about the best oil for hair fall. You might want to go through them for additional information regarding the same.
⁍ Some of the best essential oils that help in dealing with hair fall are:
• Lavender essential oil.
• Tea tree essential oil.
• Rosemary essential oil.
• Thyme oil
• Peppermint essential oil.
⁍ There are a number of foods that you can eat to control and prevent hair fall. Some of them are:
• Avocado
• Spinach
• Carrots
• Oats
• Prunes.
⁍ There are a number of reasons why you might be experiencing hair fall. Some of the major causes of hair fall are:
• Hormonal changes
• Genetics
• Stress
• Medical condition
• Dryness of the scalp.
Bottom Line: Hair Oils To The Rescue!
Hair fall is one of the most dreaded things that one can experience. And for some reason, people experience a lot of hair breakage and hair fall during winter. If you are someone who has been experiencing hair fall, I hope you found this blog helpful.
There are a number of hair oils that prevent hair fall. Some of them are olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, rosemary oil, and tea tree oil.
In case you were looking for some of the best oil for hair fall during the winter season, I really hope that you found all that you were looking for in this blog. If, however, there are any other queries related to the same, please scroll down and write them in the comment box below.
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