Fitness & Exercise

Should You Consider SIT Workout Routine: Everything You Need To Know

Should You Consider SIT Workout Routine: Everything You Need To Know

We have all heard about cardio when it comes to a workout routine. However, with the newest exercise trends, EMS, HIIT, etc, are also a hit (no pun intended)! Bored with the previous workout routines, almost everyone is looking for something that is more enjoyable. Or consume less time and bring the same result. So, let us introduce you to the newest addition to workout routines: the SIT workout.

Known as the “spare sibling” of HIIT (high-intensity interval training), SIT also has its benefits. In some cases, they are even better than their well-known counterparts. Every SIT session, you push yourself to reach your 100% maximum heart rate. While on HIIT, that number is limited to 80% to 85%.

The best part about this workout routine (aside from the obvious health benefits) is every exercise unit is just 30 seconds long. You get a 2-minute break between each workout. Hence, it becomes the perfect routine for someone who hates working out.

In this excerpt below, we will be discussing what exactly a SIT workout is and why you should do it. Even amidst your ultra-busy schedule!

What Is S.I.T Workout Routine

SIT workout routine and how it works.
SIT workout routine and how it works.

SIT or Sprint interval training is an advanced exercise training where you exercise in intervals. Each workout set will be of high intensity. However, you will also have longer breaks between each to recover.

To balance out the high-intensity workout, trainers have limited each set to 30 seconds. At the same time, the recovery period is 2 min. It is even advised that if someone is a novice, they should not continue an S.I.T routine for more than 15 minutes.

Therefore, as a beginner, you will have:

  • 15 minutes per day.
  • 30 sets of 30 seconds.
  • 2 min a break between each set.

So, your workout routine will stand at 75 minutes. A little less than 1 1⁄2 hour.

We all know that squeezing even a 7-minute workout routine into your schedule can do wonders for your body. From staying fit to increasing metabolism to improving cardiovascular health, it has got all covered.

However, there are a few tell-tale reasons why many hate working out.

  • It drains your energy level to the point where it is not interesting anymore.
  • Muscle soreness the next morning prevents you from continuing with your daily life.
  • It is not the right workout routine for you.

Now, to extend a little on the last point. Yes, wrong workout routines can drain you. Exercise is very much dependent on your body type and body’s needs. For example, picking up dumbbells is simply being foolhardy if you want to burn a little bit of that excess fat!

This is why the SIT workout is such a perfect combination of the right energy and rest. Making it a fit workout routine for many. Especially the ones who hate exercise but want to burn fat.

Will A SIT Workout Be Beneficial

Interval vs Rest Is Important for this routine
Interval vs Rest Is Important for this routine

With all the new workout trends in the picture, it is difficult to map the correct one. Thus, this is a common question that everyone asks. The benefits of any workout depend from person to person. But, this is where an S.I.T routine could be helpful.

  • Sprint Interval Training is a good way to improve your athletic performance. If you wish to indulge in good cardio like swimming and cycling but cannot muster the stamina, a few weeks of S.I.T exercises will get you there.
  • It is an excellent form of aerobic exercise, also known as exercise, which increases your heart rate.
  • This type of workout routine can help you retain your energy levels. Moreover, any type of aerobic exercise helps break down glucose from sugar for that boost of energy. Since your body uses less oxygen, you feel energized afterward rather than drained. Therefore, if you are feeling guilty for finishing that bar of chocolate, 7 min of SIT workout will help you sweat it out!
  • When you are doing a vigorous S.I.T routine, you do not have to worry about finding time and working out every day. A doctor recommends a three-day-per-week routine fit for beginners since this is an advanced-level routine.
  • This form of workout is not limited to people who wish to burn fat. For someone trying to build muscle strength and stamina for longer workout routines can indulge in SIT for warm-up.

Does SIT Help Lose More Fat Than HIIT?

Reduce Belly Skinfold With SIT Workout.
Reduce Belly Skinfold With SIT Workout.

In a 2019 review, researchers noticed a hike of 28.5% in burning capacity for both HIIT & SIT workouts. However, due to the high intensity of exercise, SIT has the upper hand if burning fat is your top priority. (Source: PubMed)

A 2018 medical trial showed that if women between the age of 24-36 followed an S.I.T routine for eight weeks, they could see a significant reduction in skinfolds and BMI. (Source: National Institutes of Health)

Burning Calories & SIT

Mark your calorie burn with a device.
Mark your calorie burn with a device.

One of the biggest advantages of Sprint Interval Training is how you burn your calories. Many things that you only burn calories during high-intensity sets. However, your body doesn’t stop burning calories during the 2-minute break, especially when you are practicing passive resting, like standing rather than laying down.

You can get a physical calorie meter to check how much you are burning during your workout. However, telling an accurate number might be difficult since there is no right way to measure it. Some devices that map heart rates can help find the calorie count since the SIT workout is about increased heart rate.

How To Begin Your S.I.T Exercise Journey

These aren’t essentially disadvantages but rather some drawbacks.

A SIT workout routine is not the right way to burn fat postpartum. It is too high intensity, and a new mother can hurt herself. They should stick to EMS training.

It is an advanced workout routine and can be taxing for the body. If your workout time is post-work, your body can feel drained. Better to work out in the morning after a good rest.

Trying some light cardio beforehand can improve your cardiovascular health. This will improve your physical stamina before opting for this advanced routine.

As usual, getting a doctor’s advice will always be beneficial when you begin any workout journey.

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