Living Well

Tulsi Essential Oil Benefits: What Is It, How To Use, And Precautions.

Tulsi essential oil benefits

Tulsi essential oil benefits are numerous. This article will look at all the different ways Tulsi essential oil can help you improve your life. Tulsi is also known as Holy basil or the Queen of the Herbs.

Rightly so, as you may have seen it is being used for various ailments. If you are not a follower of our blogs, make sure to check out the previous blogs on the benefits of this herb! Youโ€™ll be surprised! 

Tulsi essential oil benefits cannot be listed without giving my readers a context of what comprises it. The essential oil has a clarifying, warming, and uplifting scent that makes it ideal for calming down the user.  

Tulsi essential oil benefits also have cleansing and skin improving properties. The article will explore the different benefits as well. Read on!  

Tulsi Essential Oil Benefits: What Does It Contain?

Tulsi Essential Oil Benefits: What Does It Contain?

The Tulsi essential oil is something that is now widely available. Before the recent advancement in its use, people would use the leaves or the different parts of the plant directly.  

The Tulsi essential oil is usually made of only Tulsi herb, but sometimes, to change the smell, some other herbs or essential oils may be added, but that depends on personal preference.  

Tulsi has a sharp and earthy, fresh fragrance that is similar to licorice. The essential oil is a pale-yellow color with a thin consistency. The process involves steam distillation that can help cure different ailments. This extraction process allows the purest and most unadulterated form of the oil.  

Similar to different essential oils, this one can be used for various purposes. The following section will look at all the different ways you can use it and how to do it.  

The sudden boost in its popularity is due to the various beneficial effects the different active ingredients provide. The herb contains many volatile compounds that confer their different effects which are mainly positive for humans when used in limited quantity.  

For example, the three main active ingredients that come immediately to mind are beta-caryophyllene, eugenol and trans-beta-element. All three are great at improving the overall effectiveness of Tulsi in human health. Eugenol, for example, is great at keeping the mouth clean, providing great benefits to the skin.  

In addition, beta-caryophyllene provides various benefits. This compound is also present in different essential oils as well.                                        

Tulsi Essential Oil Benefits and Uses

There are different ways in which Tulsi essential oil benefits can be gained, some of those are as follows:  

1. Oral Health

Oral Health

Tulsi essential oil benefits include its role in improving oral health. Due to the fresh and minty fragrances it has, its use in oral care can elevate it. The disinfectant properties of the Tulsi essential oil help in killing approximately majority of the mouth germs, including bacteria.  

The herb has antibacterial properties that can perform this activity and protect you from dental cavities as well. The regular use of Tulsi essential oil can help keep a healthy mouth and fresh breath.     

2. Skincare


Skin is one of the most important organs in our body that also requires external care. External care usually includes scrubbing, keeping the layer clean from dust and dirt among other ways to take care of it. Similarly, one of the ways you can take care of your skin is with the help of Tulsi essential oil benefits.  

You can add Tulsi essential oil to your face packs, facial cleanser or lotions to dilute it enough for safe use. The essential oil can help with acne owing to its antibacterial properties. This can help you keep your skin healthy-looking and scar free.  

If you experience skin conditions such as eczema, you can get rid of it with the help of Tulsi essential oil. If you have sensitive skin, you should dilute the mixture before using it on your skin. Direct application can cause redness or rashes.  

3. Massaging


The fragrance of the essential oil has calming effects on the user. Thus, you can use the oil in massages as well. You can add the oil in a carrier oil such as coconut or any other therapeutic oil for massage and reap the benefits.  

The tranquil aroma of the Tulsi essential oil will help alleviate your emotional and mental stress, while the massage can help get rid of any muscle tension.ย 

With its antispasmodic property, you can ensure your body is relaxed after massaging with Tulsi essential oil. You can lower your muscle spasms that can be due to fatigue or tiredness, simply massage the affected area with the concoction and relieve the pain.  

4. Steam Facial

Steam Facial

The uplifting aroma of the Tulsi essential oil is enough to help you recharge after a long day while also giving you that glow. Steam is naturally great to remove toxins from the skin and pull out all the dirt and gunk thatโ€™s filled inside.  

Similarly, there are many benefits of a facial. It helps in facilitating

blood circulation that can boost your skinโ€™s glow. This way you can enjoy a relaxing facial and take the gunk out of your skin with the help of steam.ย ย ย ย 

5. Afternoon Pick-Me-Up

Afternoon Pick-Me-Up

The strong aroma of the Tulsi essential oil can help boost your mood in the afternoon. If you are feeling down after your work or shift. The essential oil benefits extend to being good for energizing a person as it has a soothing aroma.  

Simply rub a few drops of the essential oil on your pam and inhale it. You can also add it to your diffuser and enjoy the aroma in your environment.  

6. Diffusion


The use of Tulsi essential oil can be through diffuser. Add one drop of Tulsi essential oil to the diffuser. It will help spread the aroma to your environment, home and office.  

Alternatively, you can add other essential oils in the diffuser to enhance the relaxing effect. You can also improve your mental health issues such as anxiety or stress with the help of this diffusion method.ย ย 

These are all the ways in which you can use this oil to improve your experience of reaping the Tulsi essential oil benefits. You can use it in more ways, for which you will have to let us know in the comments below!  

Fun Fact

Did you know! Tulsi is one of the most sacred plants in Hinduism and almost every home and temple will have this in India!   

Blends Well With

The Tulsi essential oil blends well with other citrus oils such as lemon, lime, and Bergamot. There are also other ways in which you can enjoy its benefits, by fusing it with oils such as Lavender, Geranium and Clary Sage.  

There are other popular oils which help elevate the experience of using Tulsi essential oils. For example, Eucalyptus peppermint and Frankincense oils.   



Using Tulsi essential oil for improving your health is a great way to use natural sources for complete rejuvenation. However, there are ways it can go bad. Thus, it is important for you to take care of your consumption. Some of the common side effects that you may experience with overuse:  

  • Skin sensitivity. It is important to consult a doctor before you start using any essential oil as it can cause severe reactions.  
  • It is not safe for childrenโ€™s use and so you should be careful about its use for younger individuals. There are other safer alternatives.  
  • Nursing, pregnant or those under doctorโ€™s care should be careful about its use. Consult your gynecologist and physician, respectively.  
  • The oil is not fit for consumption in any way, it is only meant for topical use, externally.  


Thus, the Tulsi essential oil benefits are a lot. This article identifies all the different benefits of Tulsi and lists them for you. The article also dives into the basic composition of Tulsi essential oil, looking into the three main contributors of its benefits.  

The article also dives into the precautions one should take with the use of Tulsi essential oil. It is a great oil that can provide a lot of benefits to the user, from skin to emotional health.  

Want to know more? Let us know in the comments below.

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Harsha Sharma
Harsha is a senior content writer with numerous hobbies who takes great pride in spreading kindness. Earning a Postgraduate degree in Microbiology, she invests her time reading and informing people about various topics, particularly health and lifestyle. She believes in continuous learning, with life as her inspiration, and opines that experiences enrich our lives.

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