Fitness & Exercise

Want To Grow Your Pecs? Here Are The Best Workouts For A Strong Upper Body! 

Best Workouts For A Strong Upper Body

Pecs. Dwayne Johnson. That’s it, that’s the article. 

No, I wish that could be sufficient for the article. But I want my readers to have a thorough knowledge on all the topics so that they can pursue their goals. There are several chest workouts that you can master to ensure your pecs are growing and giving you upper body strength. 

But not every article describes the points that need to be taken care of during these workouts. The following article will give you a headstart on the question “How much do you bench bro?” 

Performing chest exercises such as those that will be shortly listed, help you increase the definition of your chest muscles. 

The process of defining the chest muscles and strengthening them is a part of strength anatomy. These are involved in actions such as pushing a door open or squeezing a set of loopers. These are also the first set of muscles that are referred to when the debate of upper body strength comes. 

The Basics Of Chest Workouts

The Basics Of Chest Workouts
The three types of muscles present in the chest. 

Chest exercises focus on mainly three muscles that are present on our chests- 

  • Pectoralis Major
  • Pectoralis Minor
  • Serratus Anterior

There’s a fourth one that is a little shy of the limelight- called the subclavius. It plays the most important role in our bodies- helps us breathe. 

The pectoralis major is a unique group as it possesses two heads- the clavicular and the sternocostal heads. These are antagonistic with respect to each other. This just implies that the contraction of one leads to the relaxation of another. 

It is quite fascinating to get into the anatomy of muscles and dive deeper into their workings, however, let’s circle back to the basics for now. The clavicular head flexes the upper arm bone which helps in raising our arms. 

On the other hand, the sternocostal head brings the arm down from a flexed or forward position. The movements that include this head are internal rotation of the humerus or horizontal abduction.  

Additionally, the pectoralis minor is responsible for stabilizing the shoulder blade, pulling it forward or down against the rib cage. Furthermore, its role is also seen in supporting respiration and shoulder stability. 

Lastly, the role that is played by serratus anterior includes sawlike origination on the outer front of the first through eighth rib. This ends on the medial border of the shoulder blade that is closest to the spine. The muscle prevents scapular winging, provides stability to the shoulder. It does so during the movements that involve pushing. 

Why would you need chest exercises?

Why would you need chest exercises?
Don’t just pump those guns, focus on your pecs too!

Bodybuilders are interested in growing these muscles first due to the defined look it confers to the body- athletes, models, actors or actresses, depending on their requirement, work on a specific set of muscles. For example, a swimmer will be interested in working on his legs and chest more than other muscle groups. 

This gives them the strength to power through that last lap or get a head start on their opponents. Similarly, if you are someone who has taken inspiration from their favorite celeb and want to start working on your chest- the following exercises will help you achieve those goals. 

Apart from just making someone look cool- these muscles are also useful in supporting the movement of the arm. Enhancing the functionality. Thus, no matter what profession you are in, these exercises are helpful to increase your strength. 

Most articles on chest workouts get hung up on the gender-specific standards that are associated with lifting and strength training. But for someone who has been in the gym, engaging all the muscle groups in some of the best exercises, I can tell you- the iron does not discriminate. 

So let’s begin exploring the seven best exercises for your chest. 

Chest Workout Gym

Chest Workout Gym
The access to equipment makes sure that the workouts are fulfilling. 

The best place to start your chest workout is the gym. There are primarily three reasons I found going to the gym for workouts were better for me: 

  1. A professional trainer to guide you
  2. Best equipment that is taken care of.
  3. The environment motivates you.

These reasons were the deal breaker for me to continue my journey at the gym. Moreover, there are also times when you will share a conversation with someone who will give you hacks and tips that are just so good! No amount of subscriptions to fitness channels and podcasts can give you the wisdom that you can get in a gym. 

The ‘growth” at the gym is your ability to shift to the next pair of weights. So, the following exercises can be modified with the help of appropriate weights. Even if you are a beginner or an expert, referring to these exercises is also for you. 

Following are the exercises that can get you started on your journey: 

  • Push-Up

The most basic workout for your chest, push ups are the true test of stability and correct technique. The no-equipment ease of performing this exercise lets you add it to your routine without thinking twice. The versatility and ease of adjustment helps you get your essentials right. It is also said that once you get your push ups right, you are ready to proceed to the advanced chest workouts. As you get better with push-ups, you can try the variations- close-grip, decline, banded- or weighted push-ups.

  • Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Bench Press

An age-old weight room debate on the effectiveness of this exercise makes this one hard to skip. The versatility of the exercise lets you do the workout in the beginning, middle or end of your circuit. Using dumbbells for this exercise lets you create a variety to your chest day, adding in more range of motion, all leading to muscle growth. 

  • Barbell Bench Press
Barbell Bench Press

One of the most popular chest lifts to come after push-ups is the barbell bench press. Standard bench press allows you to move the most weight and this exercise is also where I discovered I have built my strength. If you are a beginner, your trainer will put you on a no-weights version of the exercise, whereas the next step is to gradually increase the plates. Slowly and with the correct form, you will smash all the milestones. 

  • Machine Chest Press
Machine Chest Press

Free weight pressing moves on a flat bench does wonders to your chest muscles. The variations can include benefits such as slowing down the repetition- during the concentric and eccentric phases. The trainer can support you to gradually build up the strength and move up the weights. 

  • Machine Fly
Machine Fly

The pec-deck is a great exercise to add to your routine. This hard to get wrong, effective and enhanced alternative to dumbbell fly is an amazing move to get the pump without balancing any weights. The dumbbell fly puts several risks and this variation minimizes it. You skip the risk of dislocating your shoulders. Moreover, this gives you more independence than dumbbell flys. 

  • Dip

A staple addition to training programs, we are going back to the golden age of workouts. This exercise is great when you want to stretch your chest and use just your body weight. The variation that you can do for this exercise includes adding extra weight using a dip belt. Another exercise that gives you independence.  

  • Dumbbell Pull-Over
Dumbbell Pull-Over

One of my most favorite exercises, this workout helps in building the torso of bodybuilders. The expansion of the ribcage adds a definition to your chest which can be enhanced with advanced workouts. It is best to add this exercise at the end of your circuit. 

In case you do not have the time for going to the gym or for some reason you cannot go to your gym- these exercises can be easily done at home. Chest workouts at home can include exercises such as those that improve independence and do not require gym-specific equipment. Exercises such as push-ups, and dips can be a great addition to your home workout plan. 

 In addition, it is also important for you to maintain a clean lifestyle that includes eating clean and upping your protein intake in comparison to the existing plan. This will help you build your muscles. 


The main goal of chest workouts should be to grow your muscles and improve functionality. This can be possible when you are focusing on building your technique more than just flexing your muscles at the gym. The main goal of your workout should be strengthening your chest muscles, that is when you can achieve your goal. In addition, to maintain your muscles while pursuing your physical goals, you can consult a dietitian.  

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Harsha Sharma
Harsha is a senior content writer with numerous hobbies who takes great pride in spreading kindness. Earning a Postgraduate degree in Microbiology, she invests her time reading and informing people about various topics, particularly health and lifestyle. She believes in continuous learning, with life as her inspiration, and opines that experiences enrich our lives.

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